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"It is very common for physicists to disbelieve the reality of phenomena that seem to contradict contemporary beliefs of physics."

- H. Bauer -

Quantum Mechanics

Foamy Ether Theory would have predicted quantum behavior long before any quantum effects were noticed. Quantum Mechanics came into being because ether is foamy and noisy (Figure 22), and wants to return to its original curled up state. As was shown in Figure 2, the size of one cell (or bubble) in the foam is equal to one Planck Length (1.616 X 10-35 meters). A particle (ether knot) can only travel through this foamy ether one cell at a time, as demonstrated in the slow moving particle animation. And of course, this jerky behavior is only noticeable when you make measurements at close to Planck lengths or Planck time intervals. When observations are made in scales that are much larger than the Planck scale, the cells in the foam are so tiny that no jerky behavior is noticed.

Quantum Foam

Figure 22

The Uncertainty Principle is a direct result of quantum jitter. I created two animations that show this; one of a small particle (Figure 23a) and one of a large particle (Figure 23b). Because the ether is noisy, it causes the foam and the particles to vibrate, thus making their location and size less defined (or fuzzy). And when comparing the two particles, you can see that the quantum jitter is much more noticeable on the smaller particle.

Quantum Foam

Figure 23a

Quantum Foam

Figure 23b

To show how this quantum jitter affects moving particles, I recreated animations of the fast moving particle (Figure 24a) and the slow moving particle (Figure 24b). You can see that the noisiness of the ether causes the path of the particle to be less defined.

Quantum Particle

Figure 24a

Quantum Particle

Figure 24b

Also, if the foamy ether is noisy enough, there will be the odd time were the foam can momentarily clump together, and form what conventional theory calls a virtual particle. These virtual particles can pop in an out of existence on a continuous basis. And the closer you get to viewing the foam at a Planck scale, the more noticeable these virtual particles will be.


Quantum jitter can also be applied to all the field forces: electromagnetic, gravitational, weak force and the strong force. Since all of these fields are some sort of distortion of foamy ether, the noisiness of the foam will cause the fields to be noisy as well. Even the flow of time itself is affected by quantum jitter. Not only does time flow by one Planck Time unit after another, but the noisy foam will cause the Plank Time to have some jitter as well. A Planck Time is defined as the time it takes light (ether wave) to travel from one end of an ether cell to the other. Since the noisiness of the ether is causing the foamy cells to randomly vary in size and shape, the Planck Length and Planck Time will also vary. In other words, Planck Length and Planck Time are relative.

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