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"It would of course be a great step forward if we succeeded in combining the gravitational field and the electromagnetic field into a single structure. Only so could the era in theoretical physics inaugurated by Faraday and James Clerk Maxwell be brought to a satisfactory close."

- Albert Einstein -

Special Relativity

Before ether, I could not visualize how a particle actually gained mass as its relative velocity increased. Where does this matter come from? The classical view of matter shows it as being made of some substance. So where does this extra substance come from when a particle gains mass? The famous formula E=mc2 describes the relationship between mass and energy, it does not provide an actual picture of what is happening.


Since, in ether theory, both matter and energy are just different ways that ether is distorted, it is easy to explain how this happens. As you increase the velocity of a particle, you flatten it according to the Lorentz-FitzGerald contraction. This adds to the further distortion/stress in the ether already made by the particle. Since there is now a greater total distortion, there is more total energy stored, hence more mass. Foamy Ether Theory states that Energy = Ether Distortion. And of course ether distortion comes in many forms.


If you realize that particles are distortions in ether, you can understand why the speed limit of matter is equal to the speed of light. Because a cluster/knot in ether is just another distortion (like a wave), it stands to reason that a knot in ether cannot travel any faster than a wave. ANY distortion in ether can only propagate at a certain speed, regardless of the type of distortion - the same rule applies to gravitational waves.


The Theory of Relativity does not explain why the speed limit is equal to the speed of light, or why a particle gains mass; it only makes mathematical calculations on the changes that take place as matter speeds up. Since, waves and particles are both distortions in ether, it is no surprise that the speed limit is the same. 


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